A Roman Catholic Parish Established in 2000


Reconciliation or Penance

 “But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God. And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.” (Isaiah 59:2)

In the Sacrament of Penance, we obtain pardon from God for the offenses we have committed against Him, experience healing and liberation and rediscover how much we are loved by God and how precious we are to Him.

Most of us regret things we have done or failed to do or words we have said or thoughts we have harbored. Often, we are embarrassed or ashamed to admit these regrets and sometimes become consumed by them simply because we keep them to ourselves and do not speak about them. The Sacrament of Reconciliation gives us the opportunity to express our sorrow for things we have done wrong or failed to do and it can help us to forgive ourselves and others, heal relationships and open a communication with God.

Confession is a place of healing, not a place of judgment or punishment. It is an experience of mercy and reconciliation. We lay down the burdens of guilt and shame that we carry with us. No matter what we think of ourselves or of God, we can be certain that God forgives us, loves us and wants only to heal us.

We confess our sins to a priest in the confidentiality of the confessional or reconciliation room. The priest says the words of absolution for our sins after we have confessed and usually asks us to say some prayers or other acts of penance. 

The confidentiality of confession is absolute so whatever the penitent makes known to the priest remains "sealed." Nothing said by the penitent during confession can be repeated by a priest.

A priest is available each Saturday from 3-4 pm and by appointment.

Youth Reconciliation:
For parish youth, the required preparation takes place through the Religious Education program. For more information, please contact the Religious Education Office at 609-645-7313 ext. 121 or send an email to jean.wickham@skd-parish.org. First penance for our parish youth (children in the first level usually) is celebrated each spring.

Teen and Adult Reconciliation:
For Parish youth and teens, the required preparation takes place through the Rite for Christian Initiation for Teens (RCIT). For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 609-645-7313 ext. 113 or send an email to millet.locasale@skd-parish.org