Altar Servers:
Our Youth Altar Servers at the Church of Saint Katharine Drexel assist the priest(s) at Sunday Mass and special liturgies. Our Adult Altar Servers assist the priest(s) at Funeral Masses and special liturgies. This ministry promotes a closer relationship with the ever-present Body of Christ in the lives of those who serve.
Youth Altar Servers: Any member of our parish who has celebrated his/her ninth birthday and has received the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and 1st Eucharist may serve. Parents should decide whether their child is interested and ready to serve faithfully at the altar. Each prospective server must attend a training session before serving and can choose the Mass time(s) he/she prefers. In the event that the server is not available to serve at a scheduled time, he/she must seek a substitute.
Adult Altar Servers: Any adult member of our parish has received the sacraments of Initiation (Baptism through Confirmation) may serve. Each prospective server must attend a training session before serving.
If you are interested in being a Youth or Adult Altar Server, please call the Parish Office at 609-645-7313.
Click here to view this month's Altar Servers / MCs Mass Schedule.